The Days Of Noah 2005

The Days Of Noah


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
The Days Of Noah

Plot Synopsis

According to the biblical account in Genesis, God decided to wiped mankind but He ordered Noah, who found favour in the eyes of God for being a righteous man, to make himself an ark for himself and his family together with two of all living creatures. Then for 40 days the flood kept coming on the earth, and every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out. The ark floated on the waters for 150 days and rested on Mount Ararat after the flood receded... People have been searching for Noah's Ark for years, and accounts of a universal flood with significant parallels to the Flood of Noah's day have been identified from more than 60 tribes all over the world. The Noah's Ark has remained a great myth. What makes the mystery more difficult to fathom is that the Turkish government rejects many scientific research applications from foreign countries on the account of national security. The Mount Ararat measured a height of 5,165 meters and sprawls over great tracts of Turkey, Iran and Armenia. Over the past 200 years, Western scientists and explorers have been in diligent search of the Ark and despite there are many sighting reports, no photographic evidence was ever produced to prove the discovery of the Ark. The Days Of Noah is the first Chinese expedition that have gained access to the most secretive military base and to film the object in the closest possible distance. The film documented the supernatural experiences of the crew on the 4,200 meters elevation of Mount Ararat.

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